Case Management and Consulting Services
Medical Management for Adults Injured in Catastrophic Events
H&H Case Management and Consulting provides superior catastrophic injury management and other medical services.
Illness or injury can be a turbulent and stormy time in one's life. Trying to navigate through the healthcare system to obtain the best care and the resources needed to rehabilitate from an illness or injury is not an easy task. At H&H Case Management and Consulting, our primary focus is the medical management of catastrophically injured adults. Our nurses are experienced and well versed in the providers and resources one must have to rehabilitate from an injury or illness successfully. Our sole focus is to provide proactive and outcome-driven case management services for our injured workers. Many of our injured workers are able to return to gainful employment, despite the severity of their injury and against all odds.

About H&H
H&H was started by Lisa Hendrix, RN and CEO in 2009 and has been providing expert case management services for over a decade. Lisa has been a Registered Nurse Case Manager for over 28 years and is also a Certified Case Manager. She has also managed a multitude of patients with various illnesses or injuries. She has spent most of those years caring for the catastrophically injured worker; which are her favorite patients to work with. Let Lisa and her exceptional team of Nurses assist you today!
Why You Should Choose Us?
We have many nurses with an extensive history of managing catastrophic injuries such as severe burns, acquired brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and/or other significant traumas throughout the United States. We also mange simple injuries such as sprains and strains in a proactive manner. We go onsite to gain a rapport with the injured worker and all parties. Careful direction ensures the most appropriate medical facilities and treatments are used. Our managers have a relationship with providers and facilities, allowing "out of the box" thinking to meet all of the injured worker's needs.
Field Case Management
Field case managers help with concerns such as communication issues between providers, employees, and employers; complete return to work (RTW) assessments and ergonomic evaluations; discuss treatment or disability guidelines with providers; and assist with assuring progress towards complete rehabilitation.
Vocational Case Management
Our vocational case managers provide unbiased and comprehensive testing and assessment services to help an injured worker return to the workforce, such as job site analysis, job descriptions, labor market research, and career counseling. We can assist with settlement by providing wage and earning analysis and vocational expert testimony.
*Vocational Rehab Case Management not available in all states*
Catastrophic Case Management
Our seasoned case managers are trained and certified to provide comprehensive planning, medical management, and communication with all related parties to ensure appropriate care for a catastrophic injury. We are immediately available to coordinate care between the medical staff, employer, and family to ensure the best possible outcome.
Telephonic Case Management
We ensure return to work is addressed with the appropriate providers in a timely manner and coordinate with the employers. When and where applicable, we also have the ability to utilize video conferencing.